Rosie Kerr from the Dartmouth sustainability Office will discuss Dartmouth’s proposed biomass plant whose installation has been the source of many letters to the editor in the Valley News. 
-Jed Williamson noted that his opening reading was taken from a two person play titled "Nature" that is an imagined dialogue between Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson drawn from their writings. If this web page works the way it supposed to you should be able to get information about the play via the hot link above. 
Dave Bradley asked new members to share their birthdays with him so he can make sure our club serenades you appropriately. 

Deecie Denison announced that Kyle Tisdale, an attorney who specializes in environmental law, would be speaking at that the Vermont Law School on Thursday. 

Tom Csatari offered a Happy Dollar in appreciation of a 160 mile bike trip he and his wife took as a result of a winning auction bid. 

Rob Adamscontributed a Happy Dollar because the Auction Committee is ahead of last year’s pace of gathering prizes and commitments from corporate donors.

Kerry Riga won the raffle, which was a $20 gift certificate to the Lemon Tree gift shop AND a Positive Track cap. 

Nan Carroll and Rob Adams offered an update on the auction which has $180,000 in prizes. Nan promised to send a link to the website for the first set of auction items (you should have received it by now. Look in your Junk Mail if you haven’t--- that’s where I found mine thanks to my overly aggressive spam filter)  They announced that an online auction will be held for 10 days, an auction that will include some of the trips! 
Positive Tracks’ founder and CEO Nene Meyer expressed heartfelt appreciation to the club for choosing her non-profit as our auction partner. In her words, being selected as an auction partner for our club is a sign that your organization “has arrived”. Nene reviewed the history of Positive Tracks which grew out of a fundraising effort by Lyme students to raise money for a classmate who was stricken with cancer. The target audience for Positive Tracks is “Generation Z” whose members are “socially aware, adept with technology, and currently have 70% of their cohort working as volunteers. Positive Tracks operates on the premise that athletics is best way to engage Generation Z and they use two programs to accomplish their fundraising goals: challenges and sweat labs. They partner with schools, businesses and non-profit organizations to foster character development and connect Generation Z to the communities where they live. Nene offered several examples of Positive Tracks projects, which included a project that had children affiliated with the Haven working with animals; Hanover High students working on a March intensive program on Climate change that resulted in the second day of school focusing on that issue, and the Buddy up tennis program at RVC. 
Nene reported that the funds from the Rotary Auction will be used to increase the number of sweat labs and challenges by 35% and… as a result, kids who participate will come away thinking that serving the community is cool. 
October 9 – Dr. Steve Atkins, a NH and VT licensed psychologist and school consultant will provide us with a broad background on howthe opioid problem is impacting the Upper Valley. 
October 16 - Our Friendship Exchange visitors from Calgary, Alberta, will give us a report on their clubs’ activities and some insights on their part of the world. 
October 23 – Cam Ford, the Executive Director of Headrest will be offering the second in a series of talks on the opioid crisis in the Upper Valley. 
October 30 - We will have a social gathering at the Dartmouth Library in lieu of our luncheon meeting, some details of which are described above. 
November 6 – Graham Clarke will give us an update on Whaleback’s latest developments. 
Wayne Gersen
Russell Hampton
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