Our program this week features talks from our newest members and an update from Heidi Postupak on how charities make it onto the list for funding in the Philanthropy Committee. As noted in previous blurbs, our presentations by new members are always informative, insightful and entertaining. (NOTE: This is not intended to apply any pressure to our newest members or prospects!) 
President Tom Csatari presented Carolyn Watson with a 3 star pin for her Paul Harris Fellowships contributions and announced that in absentia member Stan Williams received a 5 star pin. Thanks to both for their generous donations! 

Dave Allen announced a pre-meeting this week (December 5) for those interested in International donations. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the possibility of making a contribution to provide toilets for a community in Ghana 
Kathy Geraghty successfully recruited members to serve with her on the RYLA selection committee… BUT....
President Tom Csatari was not so fortunate in his recruiting efforts to head up the speech contest. If you are interested in helping out in this venture, please see Tom! 

Tom Csatari, however, WAS successful in recruiting two new board members: Terri Minelli and Mike Urnezis….
AND… Tom Csatari won the raffle! He won something of real value: a free lunch! 
ONE LAST NOTE about the November 14 Positive Tracks Presentation
Rob Adams asked me to pass along this message from Nini Meyer, the dynamic speaker we had before Thanksgiving. The email provides a detailed overview of the information she and her son Jasper shared with the club. Here’s her message:
Howdy, Hanover Rotarians! I’m still grinning from the experience of meeting with you before Thanksgiving; and I speak on behalf of other team members at Positive Tracks with heartfelt gratitude for inviting Positive Tracks into your ranks. Speaking with you was a humbling privilege, and your enthusiastic participation was appreciated! 
Hopefully you walked away with a better understanding of how Positive Tracks helps youth of all backgrounds and abilities learn the rewards of civic contribution using the power of athletics.
We’re grateful for your willingness to spread the word about Positive Tracks! Please click here for an official emailthat includes a promoor two, an explanation of what we do, youth stories, and a link where youth applyfor our free mentorship and resources. Please feel free to spread this missive far and wide to your kids, grandkids, community members, good friends, sort of friends, and that student you just met at Dirt Cowboy. 
Finally, I’m passing along a few takeaways that bubbled up from Jasper’s presentation.
·   Gen Z (born after 1995) is 2 billion strong. They make up 26% of the US population and are the most ethnically and racially diverse generation in US history. They have never lived in a world without global terrorism. 
·   Young people must feel that their voices matter. In order for social change to happen, problems to be solved, and our communities to thrive, young people must be active in the process.. They are more willing than previous generations to be identified as a part of the whole, but they do want to be seen as individuals worthy of your respect and acknowledgement.
·   Sport is a powerful catalyst & effective pathway for youth activism. Athletics delivers healthy personal challenge and risk, hands-on learning, leadership experience, skin in the game, a gathering tool, a goal-setting mechanism, and a fun, inclusive, compelling means of educating peers and community around complex and sensitive issues.  
·   Hands on ACTION fosters self-efficacy. When young people build and lead an event, they see their own ability to lead and make change through a new, permanent lens. It’s tangible.
·   Gen Z was born digital but they have seen the dualities of technology. While they think critically about its power, they do appreciate technology's capacity to connect people and illustrate need. Gen Z is acutely self-aware of their ability to find the answers to anything they need.
·   Youth value adult help. Older generations can help remove barriers (i.e. rides to the field, mentorship, enthusiasm, money, insurance). Adults can provides effective validation and guidance when theystand behind youth- allowing young people to learn and lead by doing.  
·   Keep it real.Young people are generally optimistic about the future but are also well aware of the problems that exist in our world.  
·  Show up and listen to help youth overcome struggles.  An unbiased adult ear, face-to-face interaction with peers, and a safe space to leverage a wide range of perspectives are critical elements of helping youth develop confidence and voice.
·   Mentorship is powerful.One person can impact and influence kids' lives, delivering hope and faith that everyone has something to contribute. Mentorship can happen across generations (old to young) and, just as frequently, within them (youth to youth).
·   It starts in our own communities. Young people value the ability to see their own impact. If we can learn to tackle local responsibilities via effective pathways and organizing, we can better address global challenges. Generosity and community enrichment is important to Gen Z - they often show it through personal advocacy and sharing.
Again, thank you. We look forward to more conversation and partnership with Hanover Rotary as we work together to help all members of our youngest generation serve our community using their own minds and muscles. 
Dave Allen introduced his son, Treb, who is an economics professor at Dartmouth and, in that capacity, has done extensive research on the economic impact of the border wall between the US and Mexico. Treb offered illustrations of the border, noting that 33% of border is walled as a result of having 550 miles or new walls added between 2007-10. After researching the impact of this section of the "new wall", he and his colleagues determined that the impact was a REALLY tiny change in migration: -.6% (note the decimal in front of the number!) at  fairly steep cost of cost $7 per person across the board in terms of our taxes. The wall DID have a similarly minuscule economic impact on non-college educated individuals: a gain of $.36. Trey noted that at this juncture only Texas lacks a wall or fence. He also reported that immigrants, legal or otherwise, can get a card that shows birthplace of card holders. Because of this, Treb’s team was able to track where immigrants came from and where they ultimately ended up, data that he shared as part of his presentation. 
In the end, after completing their analysis, Treb and his colleagues determined that it was far more cost effective from an economic standpoint to improve trade between the nations separated by a wall than it was to build a wall to separate nations from each other. 
We have Eric Bunge coming to speak to us on 12/12 about going’s on at Northern Stage and 12/19 will be an Auction wrap up and presentation to Wise. 
Wayne Gersen
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Russell Hampton
National Awards Services Inc.